Norman Lear, an early inspiration

One of my first jobs in the non-profit sector was working for Norman Lear at a fairly new organization that he founded in 1981 in response to the divisive rhetoric of newly politicized televangelists and to fight right-wing extremism and the hate being spewed by the Christian right organization, Moral Majority, led by Jerry Falwell.

Norman's organization was aptly called People for the American Way. I was an advocacy assistant - getting my first taste of civic activism by the man himself. It ignited a fervent passion for arts advocacy and civic engagement which has become one of the centerpieces of my life and career.

I remember the company parties at Spago's, staff gatherings at Norman and Lyn's home and - Norman showing off how he could pile quarters on his elbow and catch them in one swoop. I have treasured the personal notes he sent to his staff, and this one is a real keeper since it reminds me of how generous he was to each of us - stopping by the office to tip his hat to say hi and to encourage us to "keep at it".

On July 27, 2022 Norman celebrated his 100th Birthday! We're all keeping at it, Norman, continuing to fight for justice, fundamental rights, and equality - and we continue to be inspired by wonderful you.

Debbie Chinn